2021 IFSEA Oct. 20th ─ 22nd

Reshape Your Buisness with Digial Transformation~Get the winning edge with transformation technologies at Infocomm Southeast Asia 2021. At InfoComm Southeast Asia 2021, visitors will realize how Pro-AudioVisual (Pro-AV) and Integrated Experience Solutions have the power to transform every industry

Our Booth No. J36


  • Oct. 20th (Wed.) to  22nd (Fri.) 2021
  • Oct. 20th-21st 10:00- 18:00; Oct. 22nd 10:00-16:00


  • Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC) Hall 100 & 101
  • 88 Debaratna road(km.1), Bangna Tai,  Bangna, Bangkok 10260, Thailand

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